What is AMIGOS?
It is an Association of Volunteers legally established in 2020, to raise funds and manage initiatives aimed at the sustainability of the Surí Educational Project and its activities.

1. To promote, through the Suri Educational Project, a comprehensive and professional training program for women so that they can transform their lives and that of their families and society.
2. Helping former students of the Suri Educational Project and other women who come to the association get jobs and start businesses.

Transformarte was created in 2019, to promote job placement and entrepreneurship for women who are trained in Surí. When a woman transforms her life, her family is transformed. When families are transformed, society is transformed.
The first project of Transformarte was in collaboration with PROQUINAL, which consists of the production of bags for women with vinyl waste donated by this collaborating partner. The women were trained in Surí in Industrial Sewing and after a quality control process, they launched the first line of purses/bags. These bags have been widely accepted in different fairs that Transformarte has participated in. For example, Creative Exhibition of De Todo un Poco, Afternoon of portals, and Lincoln Schools Fair. The profits generated by the sale of these bags benefit the women who make them, providing them with a source of income that empowers them.
Currently, products and services continue to be developed under the Transformarte brand.